“Aren’t the pleasures of the affections greater than the pleasures of the senses? And aren’t the pleasures of the intellect greater than the pleasures of the affections?”


I will probably join University of Cambridge for CS PhD this coming October! Shoot me a message if you want to chat about academics, startup, vc, fashion etc.

About me

Hi! I’m a second year master student at the McGill University, studying Computer Engineering. In parallel, I’ve been working as a research assistant at the McGill Graphics Lab (MGL), advised by Prof. Derek Nowrouzezahrai.

I am currently working on the neural representations of 3D scenes and am grateful to be supervised by Prof. Derek Nowrouzezahrai and Prof. Morgan Mcguire. I’m also broadly interested in computer vision and machine learning, and other topics about computer graphics, e.g. rendering, virtual reality, and augmented reality

Previously, I specialized in mathematics (75% theoretical math, 25% applied math), and minor in computer science at University of Toronto. Before returning to master, I spent some time in the industry, cofounding Willow, Canada’s first real estate investing platform, and worked at HSBC Bank Canada.

Other than my research work, I love reading, fashion and arts. Psychoanalysis, eastern and western philosophy have been my favorite subjects; life philosphy greatly influenced by I Ching, Plato and Francis Bacon; chilhood’s fav is L’Étoile by Edgar Degas but fascinated by Piet Mondrian and Barnett Newman’s work these days. However, research work is my passion, and rest of them are hobbies.